Should we “let our kids decide”?

I’m not talking about letting them decide what to wear or what kind of cake they want for their birthday.  I’m talking about real decisions.  Should we let them decide?  

It seems like there are an increasing number of parents today that are just letting their kids decide everything about their lives…..Are they going to wake up and “go to church”?  Do they “self identify” as a the opposite sex?  At increasingly younger ages children are given the opportunity to make decisions that they’re frankly not qualified to make.

So I have a suggestion.  Instead of letting their kids make adult decisions that affect the kids, why not let them make adult decisions that affect the parents?

For example–If your child is mature enough to decide whether or not to worship the creator of the world, they’re probably mature enough to decide whether or not you should refinance your home and whether to choose a 15 or 30 year mortgage.

If your child is mature enough to decide what gender they’ll identify as, let them go ahead and balance your checkbook too.

Let them decide how much insurance coverage you need on your car.

Let them decide if you’ll take that transfer at work.

Let them decide all of those decisions, because they’re all less important that what you’re letting them decide right now.  But if they’re not qualified to make your financial decisions, they’re not qualified to make their own life decisions.